Wonderful competition! C-K’INGDOM Group launches a safety knowledge contest to improve the safety quality of all employees

精彩比拼!金龙集团开展安全知识竞赛 提升全员安全素质(图1)

'I'll answer! Fire escape four points: the first is not panic, keep calm. The second is to avoid the fire, to escape the fire quickly and decisively. The third is to find an effective way out..." On the afternoon of June 25th, a unique production safety month theme knowledge contest was held in the electronic classroom of C-KINGDOM Group headquarters. 12 players from 4 teams from various companies and business divisions participated in the contest.

Yang Jiehui, director of the group, Zhou Hongqi, vice president and General manager of copper Business Division, Zhao Liping, special assistant of president and director of president office, Huang Wenjian, assistant director of Operations and other leaders attended and watched the competition. Huang Hong, director of the Group, served as the judge of the competition.

This June is the 20th "Safety production month" in China. The theme of this year's safety production month is "Implementing safety responsibility and promoting safety development". This activity aims to steadily promote the in-depth development of "Work Safety Month" activities, promote the sustainable, healthy and orderly development of enterprise work safety situation, and create a good safety environment for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. After fierce competition, finally, to Chen Li, Huang Xiangfeng, Wu Guibing composed of the Changzhi Long Security team (group functional management department) took the first place, won the first place; To Wang Xilun, Yu Zan, Tian Peiyuan composed of the Juan Siwei team (Golden Long Xincai) won the second place, Zhou Hongqi stage for the winning team award.

The safety knowledge contest covers safety laws and regulations, safety management, safety technology, accident cases, etc., comprehensively investigating the safety production knowledge of the participants. The atmosphere was intense and fun. In the process, the four teams chase each other, and the score rises alternately. Interactive link, live audience scramble to answer, interesting. The whole activity fully demonstrated everyone's ability to master the knowledge of safety production.

In the "on-site fault finding" part, the representatives of the four teams went deep into the workshop and gave full play to their safety literacy and skills in the pre-set fault finding area, carefully identifying and carefully "finding fault".

At the end of the activity, Zhou Hongqi made a summary speech. He first expressed his gratitude to all the participants and related organizations of the event. He said, safety work is a very important part of the business operation, the group's management, grass-roots staff to cause high attention, to safety work as a constant unremitting work. He asked, their management work to adhere to the people-oriented, the safety consciousness of culture, the establishment of the safety system, safety knowledge training, emergency drill, safety performance evaluation, safety concerns such as form a closed loop, to grasp education, grasp the inspection, stresses the landing, stresses the execution, responsibility to the people, layer upon layer compaction, do it from the source to reduce safety accidents.

This activity through the competition to promote learning, competition on behalf of the way, effectively improve the safety quality of the staff, further strengthen the majority of staff safety production "red line" consciousness, for the party's 100th birthday to create a good safety atmosphere.

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