One heart to the party, not forgetting the original intention, C-KINGDOM Group Party Branch held an annual party building work conference


The general Party branch of C-KINGDOM group held the annual party construction work meeting(图1)

The original intention casts great cause, and the mission leads the journey. On December 26, 2020, on the occasion of the 127th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's birth, the general Party branch of C-KINGDOM group organized an annual party construction work meeting. Zhao Liping, Secretary of the general Party branch, attended and spoke. C-KINGDOM group cable, copper industry, Party branch secretary, Party members and activists attended the meeting.

The meeting summarized the achievements and shortcomings of the party building work of C-KINGDOM group in 2020, deployed the objectives and tasks of the company's party building work in 2021, shared the demonstration experience of excellent enterprise party building, taught the special course of Party building thought, held the oath ceremony for new party members to join the party, and presented a birthday cake for Chairman Mao's birthday.

At the meeting, Zhao Liping, Secretary of the general Party branch of the group, based on the domestic and international situation, combined with the development status and characteristics of C-KINGDOM's party construction work, and cut in with the case of excellent enterprise party construction work, deeply expounded how to further give play to the role of Party construction in the development of C-KINGDOM group under the new situation. She said that the general branch committee of C-KINGDOM group was established in 2007 and has three party branches. At present, there are 52 party members, accounting for 10% of the total number of employees. It has become the core backbone of C-KINGDOM development. In 2021, in accordance with the core concept of "party building is productivity" and the overall goal of "being practical, active and effective" in Party building, explore and practice the co creation mode of "deep integration of party economy", work together to promote enterprise development and employee growth, build the soft power for the career development of C-KINGDOM group, make new contributions to the high-quality development of C-KINGDOM group, and present the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. The party members present were inspired.

Hu Lijiao, Secretary of the Party branch of the organ, summarized the party building work of C-KINGDOM group in 2020. Novel coronavirus pneumonia party has been actively responsible for this year. It is the prevention and control of epidemic situation, care for children, and the development of Party members. It is difficult to solve the problem of poultry marketing for the poor people in the urban areas and to send warmth to the group's difficult employees. In particular, in the fight against new crown pneumonia, the general Party branch of C-KINGDOM group takes the lead. Since January 31, emergency goods have been prepared for the construction of epidemic prevention and isolation hospitals in Wuhan, Changsha, Guiyang, Changde and other places, giving full play to the role of "ballast" and "pillar", and remarkable results have been achieved in epidemic prevention and control.

Ding Weidong, Secretary of the cable branch, read out and expounded the party building work plan of C-KINGDOM group in 2021. He said that in 2021, the party building work will focus on creating a learning party organization, creating visual party building elements and carriers, and improving the "hard power" and "soft power" of Party building. Specifically, the following work will be done: first, create a new position for Party building and enrich the carrier of Party building culture; Second, focus on the "theme Salon" to cultivate the cultural strength of the company's party building; Third, take the "model model" as the benchmark to improve the organizational combat effectiveness.

With the title of "how to be an excellent Communist Party member", Cheng Rui, Secretary of the copper branch, combined with his own work experience, expounds the quality and conduct that excellent party members should have in the new era. He said that at present, as an excellent Communist Party member, we should always maintain "faith, concentration, learning ability and influence". We should not only be loyal to the party, adhere to the truth, stress the party spirit, take into account the overall situation and attach importance to unity, but also keep pace with the times, explore and innovate, take the initiative to learn, complete various tasks with high standards, high quality, high efficiency and good results, and actively solve difficult problems and do practical things for the masses, Strive to become an influential and outstanding Party member.

At the meeting, four new party members, Deng Xueyi, Zhang Qiang, he ting and Zhou Jiangyong, made a solemn oath. They raised their right fist and made solemn vows to further strengthen their political position. They said one after another that they should abide by the oath of joining the party, strictly demand themselves according to the standards of Communist Party members, keep the purpose in mind and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.

The day of the meeting coincided with the 127th anniversary of Chairman Mao Zedong's birthday. Under the leadership of Zhao Liping, Secretary of the general Party branch, all Party members reviewed the classics, jointly recited the poem "Bu operator · Yongmei" and sang the classic song "Oriental red". Subsequently, all Party members also stood and bowed to the bronze statue of Mao Zedong and presented a birthday cake to the chairman, pinning their deep memory and high respect for Chairman Mao.

Bearing in mind the difficulties of the "coming road", strengthen the responsibility of the "Foot Road" and strengthen the dream of the "future road". The 100th anniversary of the party is coming, we should not only feel honored, but also feel great responsibility. The general Party branch of C-KINGDOM group will be based on the new starting point of the company's development, rush ahead on the company's development road, bravely shoulder the mission and step into the "10 billion C-KINGDOM" for the company as soon as possible Strive for your goal!

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