C-K’INGDOM Group launches training for the promotion and implementation of the new version of the "Safety Production Law"


C-K’INGDOM GROUP launches training for the promotion and implementation of the new version of "Safet(图1)

"The new "Safety Production Law" has increased the penalties for violations and is a necessary measure to increase legal deterrence, influence, and guidance." On November 25, a special new "Safety Production Law" publicity and implementation training It was held in the C-KINGDOM Cable Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop, with a total of more than 80 production employees participating.

At the training site, Huang Hong, the head of the group's safety and environmental protection, gave a key interpretation of the newly revised "Safety Production Law" in 2021 and gave a targeted explanation based on the actual production safety of the C-KINGDOM Group. This training covers: the background and significance of the new revision of the "Safe Production Law", the main responsibility of the company’s production safety, the important content of the “three musts” and the revision of related laws, etc. The main content is Raising the level of intrinsic safety points out the direction.

"This training has gained me a lot. The training cited many scenes and cases related to our work, which impressed me a lot," said a worker.

C-K’INGDOM GROUP launches training for the promotion and implementation of the new version of "Safet(图2)

"This training is of great significance. It is hoped that all cadres and employees will strictly follow the requirements of the new "Safety Production Law" to effectively establish and improve safety management and control mechanisms, perform safety management and control responsibilities, and standardize safety production behavior; strictly implement the main responsibilities and ensure early detection of hidden dangers. , The loopholes are made up early, the problems are solved early, and all kinds of hidden safety problems are completely eliminated, laying the foundation for building a safe C-KINGDOM and a century-old C-KINGDOM." said Zeng Xianjun, executive deputy general manager of the C-KINGDOM Cable Division.

Recently, in order to further strengthen employees’ safety awareness and improve their safety literacy, the safety committee of the C-KINGDOM Group has innovated work measures to build a strong line of defense. It has not only continued to implement workshop morning meetings, pre- and after-shift meetings, but also planned and launched the "Safety Thursday". "Thematic activity, namely: Every Thursday, full-time safety officers carry out safety and environmental protection professional propaganda to production employees from multiple dimensions such as law, management, technology, and accident cases, and provide safety guidance services.

So far, the above measures have achieved good results. In 2021, two major projects, namely the C-KINGDOM Cable Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop Project and the C-KINGDOM New Material Construction Project, started. During the construction process, no safety accident occurred. This month, the company also won the honorary title of "Safety Production Standardization Team" issued by Wangcheng District Emergency Management Bureau.

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