C-K’INGDOM Live Room│C-KINGDOM debuts at the Green Expo and returns with honour


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Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图1)

▲C-KINGDOM Copper won the title of "Typical Case of Resource Recycling in Hunan Province"

On the morning of September 24th, 2020 Hunan International Green Development Expo (Hunan Green Expo for short) opened in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center.At the meeting, C-KINGDOM Copper won the title of "Typical Case of Resource Recycling in Hunan Province".

As a leading enterprise of circular economy in Hunan province, C-KINGDOM Group, after participating in the "Belt and Road" Green Expo in Hunan last year, won warm response, this year, golden Dragon wire and cable, copper rod and other high-tech products appeared in the Green Expo.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图2)

▲He Baoxiang, vice Governor of Hunan Province, visited golden Long Exhibition area

During the exhibition, He Baoxiang, vice Governor of Hunan Province, visited golden Dragon Exhibition area to learn about golden Dragon circular economy development model and green contribution.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图3)

▲Zhu Xingxiang, president of China Circular Economy Association delivered a speech

The green expo by ccpit in hunan province, hunan province, hunan province of industry and information technology hall ecological environment agency, people's government of changsha city, hunan province, China resources recycling association, co-organized by "green, circulation, development" as the theme, aims to promote the development of green industry investment, green products and trade financing, green resources sharing together, green civilization exchange, It will add new impetus to build a beautiful China and provide new impetus for hunan's high-quality development.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图4)

▲A corner of C-KINGDOM Group exhibition area

As China circular economy Olympic grand event, the green expo can be described as a grand scale, bright spots. The green expo exhibition area of 22,000 square meters, participants are expected to have nearly 20,000 people, the number of exhibitors of about 700 enterprises, are the world's famous green industry brand enterprises, leading enterprises.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图5)

▲Wangcheng Economic Zone exhibition area

In this green Expo, there are four exhibition areas: circular economy exhibition area, environmental protection industry exhibition area, green manufacturing exhibition area and new energy exhibition area. Jin Long, on behalf of the circular economy enterprises in Wangcheng Economic Development Zone, has attracted much attention.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图6)

▲A corner of C-KINGDOM Group exhibition area

The author saw at the scene that the exhibition area where C-KINGDOM is located has a green and white design style, simple and bright, implying the theme of green ecology, energy conservation and environmental protection, and recycling.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图7)

▲C-KINGDOM circular economy development model

The biggest attraction of Golden Long Exhibition area is that it reflects the vivid practice of green development concept and circular economy of Golden Long for 23 years. For example, how does the golden Dragon "collect" the waste copper and send out the high-tech products such as wires and cables? In addition, visitors can also learn about C-KINGDOM high-tech products, C-KINGDOM enterprises and C-KINGDOM mode through visual and vivid physical objects, picture exhibitions and multimedia exhibitions.

Jin Long broadcast room jin Long appeared in the Green Expo and returned with honor(图8)

▲Golden dragon wire and cable, copper rod and other physical exhibits

As the leading enterprise of circular economy in Hunan province, C-KINGDOM will fully display its unique "C-KINGDOM plan" and "C-KINGDOM experience" in this exhibition.

Activity is focused on the green industry, the green expo subject on September 24 solstice 26 during the fair, will also be a sponge urban construction BBS, circular economy, energy conservation and typical cases, the awards ceremony, circular economy of hunan province, promoting the construction of green manufacturing system communication fields, industrial park of hunan national-level ecological environment management communication, BBS remanufacturing industry development in China, China Power battery recycling Industry Conference, China Renewable Resources Industry Development and Park Construction Forum and many other forum activities. The event focuses on forward-looking and professional issues and talks about the new situation, new opportunities and new future of green industry.

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