Good news again! Mao Binghua was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Individual in Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic, and Advanced Individual in Helping Poverty Alleviation"


喜讯再传!毛冰花荣获“抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人 助力脱贫攻坚先进个人”荣誉称号(图1)

Good news spreads frequently and great achievements continue! At the 2020 annual meeting of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese Businessmen held this morning, Mao Binghua, part-time vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Chairman of the Youth Committee of the Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Vice Chairman and President of C-KINGDOM Group, was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic and Helping Alleviate Poverty." The honorary title of "Advanced Individual". Huang Fang, Party Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese, Sun Minsheng, Member and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese, Zhuang Qining, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese and Chairman of the Provincial Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Liu Ge'an, Secretary of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Tian Huayu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting. And give a speech.

The meeting not only summarized the achievements of the Hunan Provincial Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 2020, but also deployed a work plan for 2021. Secretary Huang Fang also gave a wonderful lecture on party history to all participants. The Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government signed a strategic cooperation framework According to the agreement, advanced individuals and collectives who have performed outstandingly in the fight against epidemics and poverty alleviation were also grandly commended at the meeting.

Plant one grain of rice in spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn. At the beginning of 2020, when the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out, Mao Binghua quickly established an epidemic prevention and control team to urgently coordinate resources from all parties, purchase epidemic prevention materials globally, and donate money to front-line organizations of the epidemic. Among them, Mao Binghua personally donated epidemic prevention materials nearly One million yuan, while fully assisting our province’s fight against the epidemic, actively assisting overseas anti-epidemic work; at the same time, she comprehensively organized enterprises to resume work and production, and coordinated the emergency stocking of King Long Cable to assist epidemic prevention and isolation hospitals in Wuhan, Changsha, Guiyang, Changde and other places Project construction; when the foreign epidemic spread, Mao Binghua also worked with the youth of the overseas Chinese community in the province to raise anti-epidemic materials to assist overseas Chinese, and donated 2,000 sets of protective clothing to Shengxiang Biological Co., Ltd. to help Shengxiang Biology's foreign epidemic prevention and control. The deployment and support of these emergency anti-epidemic materials not only effectively alleviated the problem of shortage of anti-epidemic materials in the early stage of the epidemic, but also demonstrated the speed and responsibility of C-KINGDOM under the crisis.

In addition, Mao Binghua also participated in the establishment of the "Guangxinshan·Guardian White Angel Special Charitable Trust". Mao Binghua and C-KINGDOM Cable Company were awarded the "Advanced Enterprise in Fighting against the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic" by the Municipal Federation of Overseas Chinese and the "Love and Charity Award" by the Municipal Women Entrepreneurs Association for their contributions during the fight against the epidemic.

As an entrepreneur in the new era, Mao Binghua adheres to social responsibility and is enthusiastic about public welfare, giving back to the society with practical actions, and contributing to the high-quality and sustainable development of the economy, society, and the environment. Aiming at the shortcomings of the county economy, Mao Binghua integrated the resources of young people from the overseas Chinese community and corporate resources, and actively participated in the "Thousands of Overseas Chinese Helping Thousands of Households" Targeted Poverty Alleviation Project of the Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese; Bringing together various forces to boost the sales of rock candy oranges; Mao Binghua attaches great importance to education assistance, and has helped more than 30 needy students every year through Xiangtan Charity Association, Provincial Overseas Chinese Charity Fund and other institutions for more than ten consecutive years. Hundreds of thousands of bursaries and internship platforms have been set up and college scholarships have been set up. Up to now, she has donated more than 10 million yuan in materials and cash in support of the army, poverty alleviation, education assistance, and disaster relief assistance. At the same time, Mao Binghua actively responds to the country’s call to promote energy conservation, emission reduction, and the development of a circular economy, implements the concept of green environmental protection and sustainable development, and continues to increase quality control, environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, and recycling of non-ferrous metal renewable resources. Actively undertake social responsibilities, and earnestly protect the ecological environment. In 2020, the company was awarded the honor of "Typical Cases of Resource Recycling and Utilization in Hunan Province".

At the meeting, Zhuang Qining, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese and President of the Provincial Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, highly affirmed the contributions of all members and member companies of the Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the fight against new crown pneumonia and help fight poverty in 2020. He pointed out that in 2020, the Provincial Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce has donated more than 20 million yuan in donations and materials to help the poverty alleviation work in Hunan. It has invested a total of 185 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds. Take charge. He said that in 2021, the Chamber of Commerce will be guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implement the spirit of the Central and Provincial Economic Work Conference, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and firmly establish the "four "Personal awareness", firm "four self-confidence", "two safeguards", unite the heart of the plenary session, and use the power of the plenary session to promote Hunan's implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategy, help Hunan's economic development, and celebrate the founding of the party with outstanding achievements 100th anniversary.
